
Church & Cosmology 2.1

So I got railroaded a bit in my postings from the book The Church and Contemporary Cosmology, but I am back to the task and ready to post some more. In my last post on the topic, I implied that humanity has a greater responsibility in this technological and global world. We possess the ability to create and destroy-- as we always have-- but now we have the ability to do it on a grand scale. As the author of chapter two, Eric Chaisson, states:

We have become smart enought to reflect back upon the material contents
that gave life to us. Life now contemplates life. It contemplates
matter. It probes our origin and our destiny.
I would argue that not only was this made possible by a global system and technological advances, but that we have a greater responsibility due to the amount of choice that we have. Democracy placed a new stewardship task and vocational duty on humanity-- we must now take responsibility for how we govern. Capitalism also created a new stewardship task and vocational duty-- we must now take responsibility for what we choose, what we buy, where we buy, and how we consume. Corporatism created similar responsibilities-- as shareholders we now must take responsibility for the products we produce, the services we create, and the policies that we enact. Most of these responsibilities have developed slowly over the past 500 years reaching the masses of western society (and increasingly in emerging places) over the past 50 years. Such a world creates new possibilities and challenges.

A new cosmology is emerging and will emerge. As with every new cosmology that comes about (approximately a new type every 500 years), Christianity adapts and even transforms itself to have a prominent voice. In this new age, how will the church address stewardship and vocation? Will it truly ordain all of its adherents as priests in all of the realms of life? Let's hope!

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