
What do you think of capitalism?

I want to pose a question, what does everyone think of capitalism? Is it good, bad, in between, not being practiced right, etc.? Let's have a discussion about this.


  1. I'm in favor of capitalism; however, I know that it can easily be abused. I think that free trade should occur between two parties without regulations or stipulations of what can be traded and for how much.

    Other economic systems might appear to be good on paper or in theory but they never are good in practicality aside from capitalism. Not that capitalism is without its faults, I am most in favor of it over any others.

  2. I think capitalism is mostly good. It works because it plays on something that is inherent in human nature - the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of displeasure.

    Personally I'd rather have a dictatorship, but only with a good dictator. Therein lies the problem.

    I'll think more about this.

  3. in my mind i am not a capitalist, definently a commi. Lately and most of the the time before that i am really a cap cause i talk like one. Would you like to try my superior quality nuts, they are packed full of vitamins, if you eat at least 10 a day it gives your body the tools it needs to fight the growth of cancer cells?

  4. Honestly, capitolism is the antithesis of Christianity. Read Acts and look at how the church should act, and show me how that's anywhere remotely connected with Capitolism.

    In fact, Paul almost got killed by capitolists when he was hurting the sale of idols. Can't have a drop in sales, those poor craftsmen's kids won't have brand new shoes this year. Sell more more more!

  5. Micah,

    I completely agree with you in theory concerning communism. There have been a few Christian communes in the past that have worked. The difficulty with communism is always in its practice. Most people are not content with giving up of their possessions and living in community with everyone. Greed and selfishness will set in at some point. This same greed and selfishness can fuel capitalism.

    So in principle I agree with you. In practice, I do not.

  6. I think that's why the church should act more like a monastery... a small group of people who CAN live that way in practice. They would stick out like a sore thumb in a capitalist society... which is the idea, I think.

  7. The church in acts gave as everyone had need. That doesn't mean selling something for more than it took to make it is anti-thetical to Christianity.

  8. Paul was a capitalist by trade.

  9. How can you be sure of that James? Capitalism had not been invented by that.

  10. Because he supported himself at times by selling his services. Even if it's just subsistent, profiting is capitalist. Profiting to the detriment of others I have issues with, but profiting (capitalism) I can't say is in itself bad and anti-Christian.

    It was on my mind this morning too, the church in Acts. There were churches in Acts, and one of them put everything in a pot to be shared - the first one described. It's also important to remember that Acts is descriptive, but not perscriptive. I believe it shows that we need to be people who fill the needs of our brothers and sisters, but I don't think it goes as far as to say profiting from things we do is anti-God. I think that's too far.

    Am I making sense?
