
Bringing The Gospel To Our "Christian" Youth

Do our 'christian' students truly know what the gospel is? Do they understand terms like salvation, redemption, and faith? Do adult Christians even understand?
Conservative have made the gospel about sin management (right and wrong) or death management (heaven and hell); whereas, the liberals make it about social managment and knowledge management. This is obviously an over simplification. However, are we calling our students to follow the way of Christ? Are we asking them to pursue an alternative way of living and calling that Christianity? Are we telling them that to believe or to have faith means that we look at giving forgiveness to the downtrodden and outcasts?
We need to call our students to true discipleship (ie. true Christianity). They need to decide whether they want to be a "real" Christian and pursue something other than the American dream and success, or whether they want to pursue the American dream and success over the alternative life Jesus calls us to, or whether they are just not sure yet because they are exploring and searching.

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