

I came across a fantastic article on the blog names Resurgence. It is about the upcoming Transformers movie and the effects of the cartoon series on a generation (my generation) growing up at the foot of our televisions. Here is a clip from the blog (click here for the link):

I had a sermon to preach about Optimus Prime some day. For better or worse, WIRED magazine beat me to it. Pointing out that while geeks have Batmen and Star Trek toys in their cubicles, even the jocks have Transformers decorating their workspaces, WIRED writer Scott Brown explores the reasons why in the July print edition.

"…in 1986, the original Prime did something that distinguished him from most other cartoon heroes. He died. He died for freedom, for righteousness". Brown goes on to assert that American culture – American males – are looking forward to the July 4th release of the "live-action" Transformers movie for "more than galvanic summer thrills or simple nostalgia. They're looking for redemption, as men."


My Latest Article

The Journal of Student Ministries just published another article that I wrote. It is on the subject on creating a linguistic framework for discussing sexuality in a vibrant, robust way that allows theology to be the guiding voice. You can check out my article here: http://www.thejournalofstudentministries.com/articles/eJ226-Spurlock.pdf